My friends and I took a long drive up to Bolinao, Pangasinan over the weekend for a nice dip into Patar Beach. Unfortunately, the heavens decided to be uncooperative and chucked down a lot of rain on us. The result is this --
I love the contrast of this shot!
(Hey, nobody said you can't fall in love with your own talent. :P )
As the sun was tucked away in the clouds, we all skipped on the sunblock and frolicked about thinking it won't do any damage. The thing is, our skin colour still turned darker than normal.
What happens when you skip on sunscreen, anyway?
this --
This man was a truck driver for 30 years. We're all familiar with driver's arm, which is when our left arms get sunburnt when we go for long journeys on the driver's seat, but this man was doing his profession long enough to have the left side of his face also affected by sun damage. Not a pretty sight, especially if you're only 69.
I hate being out under the sun, not only because I don't want to get any darker, but to also avoid making my wrinkles worse a lot quicker. Everyone gets old, but I prefer to push aging back as much as possible. It might sound too anal to use sunblock when I work at home, but all my moisturisers contain some kind of SPF, anyway, just to be safe. So should yours.
What Sun Damage Looks Like