A mix of good and bad things happen to us on a daily basis, but some days are just so shit that nothing ever goes as you intend them to.
I had one of them two Saturdays ago.
It started out pretty idyllic. I had a late night foodtripping at Ortigas with some friends, so I wasn't really in the mood for anything strenuous (yes, even if it was a Saturday). So I decided to get a massage at a certain spa.
However, I was so lazy and kept putting off leaving that it was 3pm by the time I left. And since I live out in the sticks, I had to ride an fx taxi out of my area just to get a proper cab.
Strike 1
When the fx driver didn't go through the usual route, I had to get off immediately before I end up even more out of the way. Walking towards the sidewalk, I got sideswiped by a mad motorcycle, which I pushed away from me. Darn these assholes, speeding in narrow streets! Good thing I was alert enough, otherwise he could've ran me down, the stupid idiot.
Thankfully, I only had a few bruises and a scratch to show for it, but still!
Strike 2
When I arrived at the spa, the receptionist tells me I have to wait at least 3 hours for a session. Yeah, I forgot to book an appointment.
Strike 3
So I decided to just hang about, get a coffee and write for a bit. I was concentrating on my notebook when the old man from the next table starting chatting me up. He told me about moving house, his daughters, etc. I was just being polite and nodding or commenting on the right moments. Then he tells me --
Your face is pretty, but you have dark skin.
What the heck, gramps?! Are you kidding me??? I didn't know if that was a backhanded compliment or a sincere one. I didn't realise that not being fair-skinned was a disadvantage! I just let him say a few more things and then told him I had to go somewhere else. After that strange comment, the conversation was over, as far as I was concerned.
Strike 4
After getting myself a copy of Beat the Bitch
(I was so ashamed about getting this that I had to hold it face down until I reached the cashier) from a nearby bookstore, I decided to try the mini-spas in another mall to see if I could get a massage from there. After asking 3 various places, I gave up. All of them wanted me to wait for at least an hour. That teaches me not to call in for a booking, but that's also the final strike for the day. Might as well go home and read my embarrassing book!