Like everyone else who's been to Cebu, my friends and I went for the Sky Walk Experience at the 40-storey Crown Regency Hotel.
I was feeling mighty adventurous at the time.
You basically walk around a fenceless walkway all around the outside of the 37th floor in a suit and harness.
The view of Cebu from that high up absolutely stunning.
The suits are apparently cleaned after each use. Trainers are recommended footwear and if you arrive without any, you can buy a pair of socks at reception and pairs of shoes may be provided.
I was absolutely fine until we started putting the suits on. I thought I'd forgotten my extreme fear of heights, but I apparently haven't! I can't remember how many times I've gone to the loo before we went out -- I was really nervous!
When we did eventually went out for the 10-15 minute stroll out in the open air, I could hardly walk.
And to my horror, the photographer made us do these poses --
Jen was particularly enthusiastic about it --
I, on the other hand, could only manage this --
Wtf is that, so far away from the edge???
I just froze up! Seriously paralyzed!! I'm glad there wasn't any videotaping going on, otherwise people'd think I've got Parkinson's with all the shaking I've been doing. Sheesh.
I will need to redeem myself in the future somehow... I'm dead serious.
The group photos were a lot better, though, thank goodness.
Ooooh! Look at that, I was able to dangle my feet over that gaping ledge of horror!
Overall, it was good (despite my momentary paralysis). I want to go do it again, but not at night -- so I can see my death in broad daylight.
Rates for this "experience" on the main site.