Sydney Rendezvous with U2

I think what ultimately convinced this stingy girl to blow off her savings and haul her big ass all the way down to Australia was going to see
U2 at their 360° Tour show at Sydney.

Frustrated Sosyalera doing her tourist-y thing in front of the ANZ Olympic Stadium. Loadsssssss of people!

Got seated at about 7pm and Jay-Z was performing as the band's front act. He performed all his great collaborations (with taped Alicia Keys & Linkin Park -- boo.).

We did a fair bit of waiting after Jay-Z finished and the place slowly filled up. We were wayyyyyy up the bleachers -- much farther than my seat at the Gin Blossoms concert back in Manila -- but I had a feeling it didn't matter because the spaceship stage had a huge screen on it.

Another token tourist photo while waiting (good thing I didn't do them hand signs -- I almost did).

That spaceship of a stage was absolutely amazinggggg.

It was a complete light and sound show that just confounds the sensesssss.

There's also this bridge that goes around connected to that ring around the main stage.

Money well spent here! It was one of the best nights of my entire XX years! I'd never seen anything like it and I doubt any other act can pull off anything close to it (especially now that Michael Jackson's gone). Tell me if I'm wrong!

Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry are definitely showing their age, buuuuuut their performances are still top quality.

(Geez, I'm such a gushing fangirl right now that it's becoming a little embarrassing.)

It's funny how the doors down/up to the seats were open the whole time -- it made the stadium look a lot more like a space colony.

People standing by the doorways look eerie.

To really get how awesome this show had been, here are some amateur videos (not mine though, as my camera conked out early) --

Beautiful Day -- Opening.

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
-- Bono made the audience sing practically half the song, but it's still awesommmmmme! He also mentions the celebrities in the audience (e.g. Oprah, Nicole Kidman, Kanye West).

City of Blinding Lights -- The screen at the top expands down, making it look like a cage with mighty fine lights.

With or Without You -- Finale. Shet, kinikilig pa rin ako. Hahaha!

-- If I'm lucky enough to go see them again, I'm DEFINITELY getting Red Zone tickets (plus 10-inch platforms because I'm so short)!!!

I told myself years ago that if there's one act I'd really want to go see live, it'll be U2. I thought it was something I could live without doing, though. Now that I've actually done it, I felt like I've really indulged myself. Being selfish never felt so good.

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