Mad about writing

Since it's January and all, I've just about settled in with using my new planner(s). Yeah, I've got more than one.


I've gotten my Belle de Jour Power Planner just before Christmas, which came in this lovely little box.


This year's planner came with a mini-notebook, which is great for girls like me who don't like lugging their planners everywhere they go. I just take quick notes on the notebook, then log them into the planner on a later date or on a more convenient time.


And just like last year, BDJ planners come with discount coupons for various establishments -- excellent for shopaholics!


I use this planner mostly for office work though, and so far the layout is perfect for it. It comes with the standard monthly scheduler, birthday lists, a menstrual planner (I'm not too sure if I need this, but I'm sure some girl out there does), even a vacation planner and a dream board.

Neat, right? There are also some very useful articles about fashion, lifestyle, etc. that It Girls everywhere will find interesting.


For more personal logs, however, I use a different planner. For this aspect of my life, I buy Teneus planners every year.


Why? Because it has these nice pages with photos on them that I use to stick stuff into, much like a scrapbook. I dunno, I'm sentimental like that.

I just hope I'll be able to fill everything in with whatever my 2009 will bring -- not to mention that I've got this blog to log into as well. Crazy, huh?

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Jerine said...

i really love those scrapbook-cum-planner organizer. too bad i haven't got enough time to manage those organizer anymore

January 30, 2009 at 1:42 PM
Anonymous said...

i wish i had loads of time to do it too -- i may have to take a day off every month just to do them! hahaha!

January 30, 2009 at 4:58 PM
Anonymous said...

Your Belle de Jour Power Planner looks very pretty! I will consider to get that one soon! ^^

January 30, 2009 at 9:50 PM
Lystra said...

i used to be crazy over planners just because they look so pretty but alas i've found that i have no diligence to keep them updated, the only planner type thing i use is the calandar function on my cell phone. but planners are sooo pretty that i sometimes feel this sudden urge to buy one haha

January 31, 2009 at 12:59 AM
Elyong said...

I usually use planners as mini-journal because i am not pressured to write longer because of limited space... hehehe.. I like the idea of using different pen colors for each day especially that most planners have multiple days in a page..

January 31, 2009 at 8:21 AM
Anonymous said...

i know! it'so colourful and girly that i just can't help but rave about it. XD

it does take a bit of effort to keep them updated, specially my personal one.but as i've got a really poor memory, i feel it's something that i need to do. but that's why i use different coloured pens -- to keep me interested.hehe!

i do that too!but when there's so much to write, i use post-its for extra space. hehe!

January 31, 2009 at 11:37 AM
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